Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Minor Amusements…

Part of the process here is waiting… “just sit” we’re often told. One hilarious new thought for you, “the Coca-Colalization of a society prompts people to lose the ability to just sit & be” – which is also happening in India…

Meanwhile, there is much squabbling among the ashramites – people (unaware, I contend) walking off with others’ shoes and clothes, and otherwise engaging in “objectionable” behavior in various and sundry ways – rushing lines, as again we’re often in queue for something – books, tea & biscuits, bathrooms & buckets. Yes, a heightened sense of judgy-wudgy-ness – i.e., “others are doing it wrong,” which is kind of hilarious in this environment. As the saying goes, “raise your consciousness, lessen the pain.” Then these little annoyances are just people being who they are, doing what they do, in various states of awareness (cluelessness, lol!) or not…


  1. I think they are intentionally borrowing each others shoes and socks and hungry for biscuits. No problem.

  2. Way to bring it home for me! I've come full-circle...

  3. Thanks for taking the time to respond, all :-) I guess one has to draw the line when someone is washing out their mouth in the dish washing sink, yes?
