Friday, December 18, 2009

It's a Puzzla

Okay, just a quick note, because a few of you might be curious on how that all went... (Yes, I promise Jen W., no more posting at the ashram, I'll just "soak it in" these last few days :-)

So...I remained upright in a seated position the entire night, the second night in a row of all-night meditations. And I'm oddly not tired. Even uh, refreshed?! Must have slept. Or something? And the lions, tigers and bears all ran away... so all there is left is to just... be in the moment? Ponderous, eh?


  1. What! No more blogging in the ashram! What have things come to?

  2. Being in the now may not include computers... no excuses, now that your grades are posted. It has been great reading about your experiences, however. Enjoy each part of your journey.

  3. Ah you know me too well, I can't stay off the interweb, lol! Writing grounds me -- okay, so there's a keyboard connected to my fingertips, big whoop.
