Monday, December 21, 2009

Cross Cultural Awareness

Looks a little scary, eh? Well, there are Western toilettens mixed in, too, but always a long Western queue, what to do? Does patience outweigh "adventure," hmmm?

So the first thing I noticed at the ashram was this interesting head nodding gesture (up & down and side to side at the same time), which I first deciphered to mean, "yes, sure that's fine," but later learned it could mean pretty much anything, lol! Let Johney explain it further in this clip, lol!

In India, it's also polite to say, "no no I couldn't," and then they insist. And then you acquiesce. I rather like that dance, lol!


  1. The head bobbing is a great one for sociology and inter-personal comm discussions? In class you could experiment: when answering students you could give a verbal yea or nay, but use the ashram head bob as the visual. What kind of responses might you get? Confused students? The value of non verbal communication...

  2. Thanks, the only thing is Johney didn't really do it, but I was pressed for time & went with the first semi-amusing YouTube clip I could find... I will have to do an in-person demo for all who ask, lol!
